Riverside Chiropractic Expert Dr. Micah Ries Addresses Chronic Neck Pain

If you experience neck pain don’t reach for acetaminophen, make a chiropractic appointment.

In a six-week study, a group of patients suffering from chronic neck pain were treated with acetaminophen-the compound in Tylenol- while another group of neck-pain sufferers were given chiropractic adjustments.  Patients receiving chiropractic adjustments reported less neck pain and an increase in range of neck motion, strength and functional capacity, when compared to the patients who did not receive chiropractic adjustments.  Not only do chiropractic adjustments help eliminate neck and back pains, they improve the overall function of the body without any of the dangerous risks associated with drugs, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).

(source: In Touch Magazine 1999)