You Don’t Have to Suffer

Why do you suffer? Don’t you know that you don’t have to? I have discovered that there are three primary reasons why people suffer: First, they don’t know any better. Second, they are doing everything they know but it’s not helping, or it’s just temporary. And last, it’s not a priority to change it.

Let’s elaborate: If you don’t know any better it’s because no one has told you that your body can heal itself. Your body has the capacity to heal ANYTHING that’s wrong with it. Anything that is, which would be considered an acquired infirmity. That rules out for instance the loss of a limb due to an accident. Also, any organs that have been removed will limit what the body can do to restore itself to
its original state.

If in fact your body can indeed heal itself, then instead of asking “why am I sick?” ask “why am I not healing?” There lies the resolution of your condition. The first two questions to follow that are “what am I doing that is prohibiting my body from healing?” and “what am I NOT doing that is preventing my body from healing?”

Every organ, every gland, every cell in the body has a mineral upon which it is dependent for function. If it doesn’t get it, it will fail to do all that it is supposed to do, and disease results. If you want to build a wood frame house, and you have no wood, can you build the house? Yes, you can. However, structurally it will not be sound. It will not withstand the stresses of nature. You will also have to borrow from other areas to make it work, further weakening the building. The body is no different. The body not only needs minerals, but protein, essential fats, water, carbohydrates and enzymes to function. If these are not present, how can we expect it to function, much less heal itself?

Let’s take an example. Sugar. Sugar STOPS your immune system, in its tracks for 4-5 hours and it takes the body a full 3 days to recover completely. So what do we do when we’re sick? We feed our body Jell-O, 7-Up or popsicles! That’s an example of one simple way we prevent the body from doing its job.

The second reason why people suffer is because you think you’re doing “everything possible” to resolve your condition. More than likely you have been to your medical doctor and have had recommendations of therapy, medications or surgery. That’s such a finite approach to getting well. Have you tried a great nutritionist, an acupuncturist a chiropractor or a naturopath? They are schooled in managing the health of your body from where it should be managed – from the causative factor! You need to understand that medical doctors, in addition to being unparalleled when it comes to emergency medicine, manage health from an outcome standpoint. In other words, if you have a symptom and you come in to see your doctor, he will most likely prescribe something to enable you to live with your symptom or your condition easier. Rarely will he treat the REASON you are ill in the first place. There are many other options you can use to get well in addition to those mentioned above, such as herbal medicine, homeopathy, massage, etc. There are many ways to promote healing, and there is usually more than just one causative factor.

The third reason why people suffer is because good health just isn’t a priority. We think it is a priority, until another want or desire screams louder. When it comes to a decision for instance, between buying a new sofa, a new outfit or even going out to a restaurant for dinner, we opt for the later and say we can’t afford treatment. A 10 year study was done recently to try to prove that “health fanatics” were just that – fanatical. The health fanatics group spent copious amounts of money on health foods, organic foods, chiropractors, acupuncturists and massage therapists. The control group ate the standard American diet, went the traditional medical route when ill and used the recommended medications. The outcome of the study was surprising. When they factored in not only the amount of money spent, but also the time loss from work for illness and doctor’s appointments, they found that not only were the so-called health fanatics healthier, by far, but the financial outlay was significantly less! There is a saying “pay now or pay later”.

The pay later option is much more expensive. I prefer to pay now, not only because overall it will save me money, but also because I don’t want to SUFFER 2 and you don’t have to suffer either. Neither do your friends, or your family. You are at choice.