Getting Weak in the Knees?
Let’s face it, our knees aren’t getting any younger. Maybe Knee Pain keeps you or someone you know from walking, playing with their kids or grand kids, playing golf or just being able to do daily tasks. It can be excruciating just to walk up stairs. Nothing worse than feeling great mentally but physically feeling held back from life because of Knee Pain.
When most people finally seek help they are generally given a drug or a shot to relieve the pain. They may feel great for a while but since the cause of the pain hasn’t been resolved the pain comes back. The next option is usually surgery. Pretty invasive and no guarantees of success. It can leave the person worse off in the long run.
We are here to help and serve you. If you or someone you know is suffering from knee pain, call our clinic to schedule a knee decompression evaluation ASAP.
Get Results Now!
Many knee pain sufferers are thrilled with our new, cutting-edge treatment.

Get in Touch
205 E. Pine St. Fort Bragg, CA 95437
Call us: 707-962-3067
We have convenient Office hours Monday through Thursday. Give us a call to find out how we can make your time in our office as convenient for you as possible.