Find relief for your Sciatic Pain with your Ries Chiropractic And Body Workk
Have you ever known someone to suffer from pain, numbness or tingling that travels down their leg, maybe even into their foot? Many people turn to pain relievers. Problem solved. Or is it? Is pain caused by being born with not enough medicine in the body?
Of course not. Medicine may temporarily cover the problem, but it does not fix the cause. Without fixing the cause, the pain most always returns. Since pain down the leg can prevent most daily activities, people often overdo it with pain medication. Dangerous because pain medication can be highly addictive. What is pain that travels down the leg? It’s a symptom, the body’s way of alerting us that something is wrong.
The name of this symptom is a condition called sciatica, an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica originally begins with stress. Stay tuned to find out what kind. Stress, regardless of type, cause vertebral subluxation. Subluxations keep the spine locked in the wrong position while preventing the nervous system from working properly. Symptoms like sciatica result. Removing subluxations can relieve pain without the use of drugs.
Subluxation? What’s that? A subluxation is a condition in which a spinal segment is out of alignment with the adjacent segment. Nerves which branch off of the spinal cord no longer properly work. Sciatica results when a subluxation has occurred among the lumbar or low back vertebrae that surround the sciatic nerve, but if the sciatic nerve is in the low back, why is pain felt in the leg or foot?
Excellent question. The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back, but does not end there. It extends down the leg and into the foot. Cool fact, pain felt in one area, that originates from a problem in another area is called referred pain. The sciatic nerve is the longest and the widest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerve is busy at work. It supplies the skin of the leg as well a muscles of the back, thigh, leg and foot.
Sciatica often begins after a subluxation has already been there a while. Ensuring the spine is free of subluxations is important before the pain sneaks up on you. Let’s have a Jeopardy quiz. What type of stress leads to the kind of subluxations that likely cause sciatica? Clue number one, this is one of the top and in many years was the leading cause of preventable death. Clue two, it’s one of the chief causes of many other causes of preventable deaths as well. What is obesity?
Obesity puts tremendous stress upon the lumbar spine, hips, knees and feet. Unable to adapt to the pressure, the spine subluxates. Sciatica can result. Another quiz question. Calling all drivers. The drivers seat positioned too far back from these leaves the spine stretched and slouching. A big no no. You’ll also find them on a bicycle. What are pedals? Improper posture puts severe strain on the low back. To position, place foot on gas pedal, move seat up until you reach 90 degrees. Your body should be pointing forward, spine should be straight.
If driving long distances, a break every 90 minutes to stretch and walk around may be inconvenient, but can save a driver from developing sciatica. These are only a few types of stress that can subluxate the spine causing sciatica. Removing subluxations can relieve pain and strain without the use of drugs. Do you have a friend or loved one who suffers from sciatica? Ask your chiropractor for a copy of sciatica information to pass along so that your loved one can finally find relief and I’ve the life they’ve always imagined. You can help change someone’s life. What could feel better than that? Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings.
Find out how Dr. Ries, your Ries Chiropractic And Body Work, can help you get rid of your Sciatica problem. Call 707-962-3067 today and put a stop to your Sciatica naturally!
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