Find relief for your allergies with your Ries Chiropractic And Body Work
Have you ever known anyone unable to enjoy the beauty of Springtime, because of allergies? People often turn to medicine for themselves and children. Problem solved! Or is it? Are allergies caused by being born with not enough medicine in the body? Of course not! Medicine may temporarily cover the problem, but it does not fix the cause. Without fixing the cause, allergies most always return.
What is an allergy? An allergy is a type of symptom; the body’s way of alerting us that something is wrong. The body is smart. An allergic reaction is the body’s trying to rid itself of an allergen – pollen, pet dander, etc. – via tears, coughing, hives and more. It’s an automatic protective mechanism. The reaction to an allergen is controlled by the immune system. The immune system is controlled by the nervous system.
Wait a minute! If pollen is an allergen, why isn’t everyone allergic to it? Excellent question! An allergy is not cause by pollen itself, but by the immune system’s inability to fight the pollen’s adverse effects.
What makes the immune system unable to fight? Stress. Stress, regardless of type, causes vertebral subluxations. Subluxations prevent the nervous system and immune systems from working properly and allergies can result. Removing subluxations restores function to the immune system, so allergies can be relieved, without the use of drugs.
Subluxation? What’s that? A subluxation is the condition in which a spinal segment is out of alignment with the adjacent segment. Nerves, which branch off of the spinal cord, no longer properly work.
Hold on a second! Some people are allergic to strawberries, yet how can strawberries be an allergen, if they’re good for you?
That’s another great question. The allergen in a food is its protein, present in strawberries, eggs, soy, etc. An allergic reaction occurs when a weakened immune system mistakes these proteins as harmful. In other words, the immune system flags the particle as an allergen, when in fact the substance may be harmless.
How about a quiz! True or False: In a peanut allergy, the allergen, substance to which the body is allergic, is the oil.
False! Believe it or not, a peanut allergy is often not an allergy to the peanut at all, but the aflatoxin mold. Mold? Yep. Aflatoxin is a carcinogenic mold that often affects the peanut crop. There’s no mistaking it; aflatoxin is a real allergen. Try to consume only Valencia peanuts and peanut butter. Valencia peanuts are grown in dry climates like New Mexico and Arizona, thus less vulnerable to the aflatoxin mold.
True or False: Lactose intolerance is an allergy to cow’s milk.
False! Trick question! Lactose intolerance is not a true allergy. It’s a healthy, natural state because the body is not designed to digest cow’s milk in the first place. Infants are born with the enzyme lactase, so they can digest breast milk, not so they can digest cow’s milk. An inability to digest cow’s milk is normal.
Remember, the body only reacts badly to an allergen if the immune system is too tired to fight it or too weak to recognize it properly.
What weakens the immune system? Spinal subluxations. Subluxations weaken the nervous system, which in turn weakens the immune system.
Chiropractic adjustments remove interference to the nervous system, so immune system function is restored. Removing subluxations can relieve allergies, without the use of drugs.
You have been screwed into believing every symptom is a deficiency of some drug or surgery. You’ve been led to believe you have no control, when in truth you’re the one who must take control. Unfortunately, the modus operandi in medicine is to find a drug to turn off the damaged part that is producing symptoms. – Sherry A. Rogers, M.D., Detoxify of Die.
Find out how Dr. Ries, your Ries Chiropractic And Body Work, can help you get rid of your allergies problems. Call 707-962-3067 today and put a stop to your allergies naturally!
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