
Seniors and Integrative Medicine

Seniors and Integrative Medicine Is integrative medicine popular among senior citizens? Integrative medicine continues to gain mainstream popularity, especially with middle-aged and older adults. A National Poll on Healthy Aging results found 2 in 3 people, ages 50 to 80 reported using integrative medicine strategies to prevent or treat a specific health concern. Like the video so far, Subscribe and Follow us.

The poll results revealed:

1- Chiropractic care, massage therapy, meditation and mindfulness, yoga, and acupuncture were the integrative approaches most commonly used.

2 – 91% of people reported integrative therapies beneficial.

Remember your best source for diet, nutrition, and supplement information is your Metabolic Typing Advisor, Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, and Functional Medicine Practitioner.

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Diet Choices and Hip Fractures

Did you know dietary choices decrease the chances of a woman suffering a hip fracture?

According to researchers, small dietary changes could potentially have a positive impact on bone health.

A recent study found women who consumed higher amounts of protein (25 grams more per day than average) saw their risk of hip fracture decrease by 14 % compared to their peers in the study. 

And for every daily cup of tea or coffee they drank, their risk dropped by 4%.

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Our Modern Mental Health

What is wrong with our mental health today? I find it distressing to see how many people are on psychotropic drugs, and how easily they are placed on them. Why? “Why” is my favorite word. If the person is not coping, why? If they have anxiety, why? If they are obsessive/compulsive or bi-polar, why? If they are depressed, why? The brain doesn’t normally operate in a contra-survival way, so if it is, why?

What is depression anyway?
Depression in itself is not a true emotion. It is an amalgamation of many different emotions. When we label something “depression” it takes away the individual’s power. It leaves that person at the effect of rather than having power to change it. If a person instead of saying

“I’m depressed” says “I’m sad” or “I’m lonely or angry or overwhelmed or discouraged; they now have the power to do something about it. Saying you’re depressed takes away the ability to find what’s underlying it. It becomes a statement of fact, rather than something you can do something about.

As you deconstruct the word depression, you may find you’re sad. What are you sad about? Can you do anything about it? Many times, we run into a true emotion and feel there is nothing that can be done about it. But spending time evaluating the possibilities or seeing a counselor or even talking to a friend about it can enable you to come up with solutions. But if you don’t take the time to evaluate how you actually feel, you don’t have the power to do anything about it!

Why are we no longer allowed to feel?
Why, when we feel an emotion, are we so quick to take a medication to soften or “eliminate” it? Taking responsibility for it is one reason. It’s much easier to bury the emotion than have to deal with it. It takes guts to deal with your emotions; to take an honest look at yourself. It takes even more guts to take action to change something you may not like. Burying your emotions, or masking them with drugs only complicates and compounds things. As you become more and more distressed, here come the pharmaceutical companies to the rescue! They have newer, better, more “designer drugs” to help you cope with the ever worsening mental state. Where does it end?

I remember a couple of years ago after a friend of mine died, his wife went to see her medical doctor for a routine check. He asked how she was and when she informed him that her husband had just died and she was grieving, but otherwise okay, he offered her medication. She refused saying she was okay, that grieving was a natural part of a loss and she’d be okay. He again offered her medication saying she didn’t have to feel anything! She again restated her desire to go through the natural process of grieving, at which time he became more forceful, almost angrily, about the drugs. She finally had to get forceful about her desire not to take the drugs to the point of getting in a heated argument about it!

Human emotions are meant to be felt. That’s why we have them. They are a normal, and healthy way of dealing with an imperfect life. Life is not meant to be monotone. It is not meant to be perfect. We (cont. on back)

will always have a tangle of problems, with their associated emotions, to go through. It’s what strengthens us and defines us. So what is happening when emotions go longer than expected or become extreme?

Our lifestyles have set the stage for out-of-control emotions.
We eat foods that are devoid of the nutrients necessary for proper brain chemistry. We eat foods full of chemicals that interfere with is proper brain chemistry. Although we don’t know what good brain chemistry looks like, we know what’s missing when certain emotions go out of control. But since the brain normally makes these chemicals, and would prefer that these chemicals stay in balance, we should be asking why would it stop? What’s interfering? What’s missing?

Taking a drug to replace the missing chemicals has helped millions of people. But given the choice, most people if they knew there were things they could do to encourage the brain or body to produce their own would prefer the later. This is where you need the help of a natural health care provider that knows how to assist this process. By restoring health to the individual, we restore healthy brains chemistry. The same things needed to rid the body of disease, helps the brain too. Things like proper nutrition, exercise, quality sleep and much more.

A word of caution.
I know of many, many individuals who take psychotropic drugs but don’t want to. So at some point they decide they can just go off them. So they do. The result is, they end up right back on them again, with the opinion they’re on them for life. However, they failed to do something absolutely critical. They failed to handle the underlying cause of the problem in the first place. If you pull the rug out from under yourself without providing another means of support, you will crash. If you don’t take care of the reason – either brain chemistry or the deconstructed reason for your emotion, you will crash because nothing has changed. This is where professional guidance is essential! The people dispensing the drugs have only a small handful of tools at their disposal for this. Try someone with a different approach if you want a better way of handling your emotional distress. We are all out for your good. Those people truly interested in your well-being don’t care how you handle your emotions – they don’t care if you take drugs or take responsibility for handling the problem. As long as you take action and get well.

So, if you want to get well, it’s up to you to take the action.

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Chiropractic Care Improves Chronic Lumbar Disc Herniation Patients

What is the best way to get rid of lower back and leg pain from chronic lumbar disc herniation?

The incidence of a herniated disc averages 5 to 20 cases per 1000 adults annually, most commonly in people ages 30 to 50, and affects men twice as often as women.

A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics of 148 patients suffering with acute and chronic lumbar disc herniation showed that after chiropractic care at 3 months, 90.5% of patients were improved and 88% improved at 1 year.

Remember your best source for everything health is your chiropractor.  

Visit your chiropractor regularly and make sure your nervous system is functioning 100%.

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Chiropractor Fort Bragg – Chronic Lumbar Disc Herniation Patient

Low back pain and leg pain is all too common and most treatments are ineffective and often times dangerous. One treatment option has been shown to be the most effective and the best part is it’s safe. Watch this video now to find out your chances of having this very painful condition and what can be done about it. Just click on the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the practitioner that you received it from. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. HealthNews assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information only. HealthNews encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.


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Chiropractor Fort Bragg – Burning Incense Effects Your Health

What do you associate with incense burning? Meditation? Spirituality? Religion? Room freshening? Whatever you associate with incense, the only thing you probably never associate with incense is respiratory disease. Watch this video now because once you do, you may never burn incense again. Just click on the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Stress kills

Stress kills. But not all the time, just most of the time. Stress, applied in a healthy way can be beneficial to health. But that’s only when you’re out in the wilderness and a saber tooth tiger wants you for lunchmeat. Then, when your fight or flight instinct kicks in, stress is appropriate. Or when your child runs out in front of a car and that fight or flight kicks in to save the child’s life, it’s okay then too.
Stress is interpreted by the body as a fight or flight instinct. Any function not needed to fight or flee from danger shuts down. This is okay once in awhile. The body is designed for that. But if this mechanism kicks in day in and day out in what we commonly refer to as “stress”, now we’ve got a problem. Now we have the foundation for disease.

It can be argued that everyone has stress. This is true, or at least I’ve rarely encountered someone who says they have no stress (but it happens). It is how you cope with stress that makes the difference. It is also how your body adapts that determines disease. When you enter a fight or flight response, your body releases stress hormones that long time unless you actively use some technique to lower them. These stress hormones cause increased retention of body fat, poor blood sugar control and changes in mood – especially depression, anxiety and feeling stressed. High stress hormone levels also impair memory and learning, and impairs cognitive performance.

Although cortisol (the main stress hormone) gives a quick burst of energy in a survival situation, it squelches your energy when there is chronic stress. If being attacked, it heightens your memory functions, but when chronic worsens it. As part of your anti-inflammatory response, during a fight or flight response cortisol lessens your sensitivity to pain; in chronic stress it interferes with the inflammatory response, resulting in more pain.

Cortisol is one of those hormones that we love it and hate it. If we keep our stress levels healthy, we enjoy homeostasis in the body. We have proper glucose metabolism and insulin regulation. Our blood pressure is perfect and our immune system is highly functioning. When we get ourselves into a
“prolonged stress response” our immune system weakens, we have sugar regulating disease such as hypoglycemia and diabetes and we suffer chronically high blood pressure.

Stress interferes with maintaining a healthy weight. Cortisol tells the body to store more fat. So the more cortisol release due to chronic stress, the more weight we gain and the more difficult to lose it. We see this mostly in the increase in abdominal fat. There have now been drawn some associations between abdominal fat and heart attacks, strokes, a rise in the so-called “bad” cholesterol and a diminishing of the “good” cholesterol. In addition, cortisol suppresses thyroid function which lowers the metabolism and… you guessed it, makes you gain more weight!

Stress, through the release of cortisol, decreases bone density and muscle tissue. This leaves you feeling weak and more prone to associated diseases. When we have a prolonged stress response it has an adverse effect on the entire endocrine system. The endocrine system comprises all the organs/glands that regulate hormones. The adrenal gland is one of the most effected glands. It is a small walnut-sized gland that sits above each kidney and is a part of the renal system. The adrenals secrete a number of hormones that are critical to health.

When continually called on to secrete epinephrine/adrenaline in the fight or flight response, they get a little tired out. So do you. The adrenals help give you sustained energy throughout the day, along with the thyroid. While in a prolonged stress response, the energy gets redirected and you get short-changed. Most fatigue is attributed to “adrenal fatigue”. Although adrenal fatigue is not a medically recognized disease except in its extreme state, most natural health practitioners have found that when they support the adrenals, energy is restored and the negative effects of the fight or flight response are mitigated.

Since we are all under stress, what we have to learn is how to counteract the effect of stress on our body in order to circumvent some of the awful diseases associated with it. To do that we need to eat a super healthy, nutritionally dense diet of whole, unadulterated produce, grains and meats. We need to exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep and relaxation. We need to have fun in life and not take life so seriously. We can manage stress by using some of the great techniques available today such as meditation, yoga, tai chi or qi gong. We can also take some quality herbs and whole food supplements designed to reduce anxiety and support adrenal function. Finally, we need to remember how to laugh- after all, according to several psychology journals.

Laughter is the best medicine of all!

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Chiropractor Fort Bragg – Treating Adult ADHD

When you hear the term ADHD the first thing everyone thinks about is children not being able to pay attention in school. That certainly is true but did you know that children with ADHD grow up to be adults with ADHD and you may be one of them? Watch this video now and see if you have the symptoms of adult ADHD and what to do about it. Just click on the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Your Delicate Immune System

I’ve told this story before, but it bears repeating. If you understand this one story, you’ll understand the power of your own immune system. The new mother was told that her twin babies had died after birth. The truth was they were sent to an institute to be studied. This was to be the fate of the twins called “Masha” & “Dasha”, conjoined at birth.

Conjoined or Siamese twins are formed in the same way as identical twins but the eggs, for some reason, don’t completely separate; instead, they remain partially attached. Their circulatory systems are interconnected, so the twins share each other’s blood.

A germ that enters one twin’s bloodstream will soon be seen in the blood of her sister because of this. Surprisingly, illness affects them differently. Dasha was near-sighted, prone to colds and righthanded. Masha had a healthier constitution, higher blood pressure than her sister, good eyesight and was left-handed. Now the twins differing health pattern presented a mystery. Why did one become ill with a childhood disease while the other did not? The measles “bug” was in both of their bodies, in their collective bloodstream; so why didn’t both get the measles?

This phenomenon was seen over and over again with the girls (flu, colds, other diseases were all experienced separately). If germs alone had the power to cause infectious diseases, why would one of the twins be disease-free while the other was ill? What was it in their makeup that differentiated one from the other.

The answer was their nervous system. Although the twins had the same common circulatory (blood), digestive, excretory, lymphatic, endocrine and skeletal systems (they were joined at the hips), they had separate spinal columns and spinal cords. This was a very important difference between the girls.

In these extraordinary twins, nature’s “laboratory” devised an experiment that no researcher could ever duplicate. The twins are an invaluable example confirming that there is much more to “catching” a disease than simply breathing in germs; germs can make you sick IF, and ONLY IF, your body provides them fertile ground in which to grow and multiply.

The state or health of your nervous system can determine whether or not (and how quickly) you will recover from a disease. By keeping your spinal column and nervous system FREE from (pinched nerves) subluxation stress, chiropractic care keeps you in a higher state of health and therefore healthier, with or without symptoms.

There is no shortage of theories to explain the role of the subluxation in disease and the effect of the adjustment in relieving your symptoms. Your autonomic nervous system (that part of your nervous system which controls vital function) will be effected by spinal dysfunction or misalignment causing a compromise in your nervous function. Immunity is one such function which can be adversely affected by a nervous system imbalance.

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One Cause, One Cure


Subluxation… it kind of sounds like Subway-Station. I know, I know, BIG WORD…WEIRD WORD. …so what the heck is it? In simplest terms, a Subluxation (a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more Spinal Bones
(vertebrae) move out of position and put pressure on, or irritate your Spinal Nerves.

Spinal Nerves are the Nerves that come out from between each of the bones in your spine. This pressure or irritation on the Nerves then causes those Nerves to malfunction and ultimately interfere with the signals traveling over those Nerves.

How does this affect you?
Your Nervous System controls and coordinates ALL the functions of your body. If YOUR Nerves don’t work right, then YOU don’t work right.and when YOU don’t work right, YOU will more than likely end up in Pain, or even worse, some sort of Sickness or Disease.

It’s that simple.

So How Does A Person Get Subluxation?
The Answer: Many Ways! …but Primarily, the Three Major Causes of Subluxation are:
#1. Physical Stress: Things like the birth process (both for the mother and child) slips and falls, automobile accidents, childhood injuries and so on.
#2. Emotional Stress: Death of a loved one, fear of losing your job, divorce/separation, someone cutting you off in traffic, the list goes on!
#3. Chemical Stress: Poor nutrition, pesticides, antibiotics and growth hormones in our foods, cigarette smoking, too much alcohol consumption, etc.

According to a University of Colorado study, it only takes 10 mm Hg (mercury) – this is approximately the weight of a dime – on a Nerve Root to decrease the function of the Nerve by 60%.” (Source: Sharpless SK: “Susceptibility of spinal roots to compression block.” The Research Status of Spinal Manipulative Therapy. NINCDS monograph 15, HEW publication (NIH) 76- 998:155. 1975.)

If Nerves control the body, then what kind of health problems might effect you if your Nerves Supply is only at 40% of it’s 100% potential. That’s a lot to think about, isn’t it? …but you really need to take a minute and seriously think about it’s implications.

Subluxations can be devastating to your health… question.

However, the question you do need to ask is, “Will I let my loved ones go unchecked for Subluxation, or will I schedule them for a Subluxation Check-up today?”

…it’s your choice. It’s always your choice.

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