Chiropractic Nutrition

Eating Meat Is Not Good For Your Heart

Is a daily consumption of meat good for your heart?

A Cleveland Clinic and Tufts University study revealed a 22% increased risk for heart disease for every 3.3 oz serving of cooked lean meat per day. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and many other parts of the world, and meat is a major risk factor. 

Lifestyle and behaviors improve cardiovascular health including:

• eating healthful foods –fruits, vegetables, whole un-ground grains, beans and seeds

• exercising regularly

• getting sufficient sleep

• maintaining a healthy body weight

• stopping smoking

• restricting or avoiding alcohol

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Health Benefits From Daily Gratitude

Can living a life of gratitude improve your health? Several studies found gratitude’s health benefits include:

* improved quality of sleep, 

* better blood pressure control, 

* enhanced immune function, 

* decreased levels of depression and  anxiety, 

* increases in life satisfaction, and so much more!

A recent study revealed cardiac patients at high risk for heart failure who kept a gratitude journal had reduced inflammation and improved biomarkers. Making daily gratitude a part of your healthy lifestyle choices can have a positive impact on your overall health and wellbeing.

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5 Healthy Habits to Reduce Risk for Dementia

How can you prevent the risk for dementia? Since heart health and dementia are closely linked, you can reduce the risk of suffering from dementia by up to 70% when you follow the same healthful habits that help to prevent heart attacks.

5 lifestyle habits to help prevent dementia and heart attacks include:

1-Eating a healthy diet 

2-Daily exercise

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3-Weight loss if overweight

4-No smoking and alcohol

5-Control blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar

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Pediatric Drug Testing Awareness

Harry Shirkey, a medical practitioner, coined the term “therapeutic orphans” over 40 years ago to describe how children are overlooked in medical research and his observations remain true today. Despite the best efforts of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), nothing has really changed.

Guesstimating Medicine
The fact is that the majority of drugs given to children have never been tested specifically for them. Physicians are prescribing drugs based on a “best guess” as to the dosage, efficacy and even safety. It’s becoming clearer to federal regulators and physicians alike that children are not just “small adults”. With their bodies in different stages of development, they process medication differently: sometimes faster, sometimes slower and sometimes turning it into poison. Their body chemistry has not fully matured and yet adult drugs are being prescribed to children on a regular basis despite these facts. Dr. Joseph M. Wiley, Chief of Pediatrics at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore says, “If you extrapolate from an adult dose to a pediatric dose, you may be right… you may be wrong.”

The Path to Pediatric Testing
The road to pediatric drug testing has been a rocky one. Nobody wants to use children as guinea pigs, but the problem remains that drugs are being given to children in potentially unsafe doses. The FDA understands that giving medications to children for which there is only adult data available could harm children, considering the fact that they have dosing concerns and side-effect risks that differ from adults. Their latest legislation has made some headway in the battle against the lack of proper labeling; yet it still fails to completely overcome the absence of research, particularly in the older medications.

This year, the Government Accountability Office said that only one-third of the drugs prescribed for children have been studied and labeled for pediatric use. The pediatric research that has been done includes some frightening results: of the older drugs just recently being studied in children, 87% were being improperly prescribed. Children were getting medicine that didn’t work at all. were being under-dosed, were being overdosed, or were being exposed to some possibly deadly side-effects. Dr. Dianne Murphy of the FDA’s Office of Pediatric Therapeutics had this to say, “We found out that you can’t predict how kids are going to handle things.” The problem is that once a medication has been approved for use in adults, it can legally be prescribed to anyone for any reason; despite the lack of pediatric testing or proper labeling.

Off-Label Prescribing
The most recent research lists the following top ten drugs being prescribed to children without proper
labeling: Albuterol, Phenergan, Ampicillin, Auralgan , Lotison, Prozac, Intal, Zoloft, Ritalin and Alupent.
This common practice of prescribing medicine to children that has only been tested and labeled for adult use is called “off-label prescribing” and it is done by physicians everyday. A recent study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent medicine showed that off-label drugs were used in nearly 80% of major children’s hospitals in 2004.

What needs to be understood is that “off-label” doesn’t just mean it hasn’t been properly tested on children, but additionally that it may be prescribed for a purpose in which it was never intended. Dr. Murphy says that there are about 200 older drugs that have been studied in children, but new products come on the market all the time and their studies, while underway, will take time to complete. That means a lot of untested medications are made available to doctors for off-label prescribing to children.

The Consequences of Off-Label Prescribing
In hospitals and medical offices, pediatricians write off- label prescriptions everyday with the best of intentions. They make an educated guess about which drug to prescribe and what would be an appropriate dosage for a child of this particular weight and age, hoping they’re right. The problem with this practice is that the children pay the price with the following:

• Unexpected side-effects
• Worsening of the original complaint
• Allergies to the chemicals • Even coma and/or death

Unfortunately, the actual facts in this matter have been difficult to determine. The British Pediatric Surveillance Unit believes this could be due to many factors, including a reluctance to report, even in an anonymous way, the number of deaths due to off-label prescribing of drugs to children. However, the European Medicines Agency believes that there is sufficient evidence that harm actually occurs and is under-reported. What it comes down to is whether a pediatrician’s “best guess” as to dosage and efficacy of a drug is going to be good enough for parents; and whether they should be accepting, in blind faith, every prescription written.

The Chiropractic Factor
Many parents report an improvement in their child’s quality of life after beginning routine, chiropractic care. A healthy central nervous system results in a healthier and stronger immune system, which could mean less prescription drugs or other forms of drug therapy. So, take a moment today to call your chiropractor and schedule a chiropractic screening for you and your children.

Questions to Ask Your Pediatrician
Before accepting a prescription from your pediatrician, be sure to ask the following important questions and then thoughtfully consider whether or not to give your child that chemical.

• Would a wait-and-watch approach be advisable in this instance?
• Is this the only treatment available or do I have options that don’t include drug therapy?
• What are the side-effects of this drug?
• Has the drug been tested for pediatric use?
• Is this the use for which it was intended or are you prescribing this off-label?
• Can we begin with a smaller dosage and then increase it, if necessary?

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One Cause, One Cure


Subluxation… it kind of sounds like Subway-Station. I know, I know, BIG WORD…WEIRD WORD. …so what the heck is it? In simplest terms, a Subluxation (a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more Spinal Bones
(vertebrae) move out of position and put pressure on, or irritate your Spinal Nerves.

Spinal Nerves are the Nerves that come out from between each of the bones in your spine. This pressure or irritation on the Nerves then causes those Nerves to malfunction and ultimately interfere with the signals traveling over those Nerves.

How does this affect you?
Your Nervous System controls and coordinates ALL the functions of your body. If YOUR Nerves don’t work right, then YOU don’t work right.and when YOU don’t work right, YOU will more than likely end up in Pain, or even worse, some sort of Sickness or Disease.

It’s that simple.

So How Does A Person Get Subluxation?
The Answer: Many Ways! …but Primarily, the Three Major Causes of Subluxation are:
#1. Physical Stress: Things like the birth process (both for the mother and child) slips and falls, automobile accidents, childhood injuries and so on.
#2. Emotional Stress: Death of a loved one, fear of losing your job, divorce/separation, someone cutting you off in traffic, the list goes on!
#3. Chemical Stress: Poor nutrition, pesticides, antibiotics and growth hormones in our foods, cigarette smoking, too much alcohol consumption, etc.

According to a University of Colorado study, it only takes 10 mm Hg (mercury) – this is approximately the weight of a dime – on a Nerve Root to decrease the function of the Nerve by 60%.” (Source: Sharpless SK: “Susceptibility of spinal roots to compression block.” The Research Status of Spinal Manipulative Therapy. NINCDS monograph 15, HEW publication (NIH) 76- 998:155. 1975.)

If Nerves control the body, then what kind of health problems might effect you if your Nerves Supply is only at 40% of it’s 100% potential. That’s a lot to think about, isn’t it? …but you really need to take a minute and seriously think about it’s implications.

Subluxations can be devastating to your health… question.

However, the question you do need to ask is, “Will I let my loved ones go unchecked for Subluxation, or will I schedule them for a Subluxation Check-up today?”

…it’s your choice. It’s always your choice.

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What is the Flora Story?

We hear lots of talk about “Flora” or intestinal bacteria. Or maybe you’ve just heard that we need acidophilus or bifidus to help with digestive disorders. So what is it?

We have a natural ecological system in our body referred to as “flora”. This is mostly in our skin and our mucus membranes (mouth, nose, vagina and intestines primarily). Other tissues such as the blood, brain, heart and muscles are supposed to be free from microorganisms. This flora consists primarily of bacteria, with a few fungi, yeasts and other microorganisms. Some of these bacteria may surprise you. Our natural healthy flora contains species of streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. Coli, Enterobacterium and more than 200 other bacteria.

As recently as last month an article appeared in one of the medical journals stating that flora balance will be used in the future as a way of assessing risks for a variety of health conditions, but especially colon cancer and other intestinal-related diseases. This comes as no surprise to the thousands of natural healing practitioners who have recognized the importance of floral balance for decades!
So if an imbalance of the flora (called “dysbiosis”) is a marker for disease, what occurs in our lifestyle that alters this balance? Many things. Antibiotics are the worst culprit. According to one authority, it takes approximately 1 year of pro-biotic therapy (restoring the destroyed healthy flora) for every dose of antibiotic taken. Coffee has been reported to contribute to dysbiosis. Many of the processed foods are to blame as well. Another interesting finding is the lack of eating fermented foods. Sauerkraut, yogurt (more on yogurt later), pickled vegetables (including ginger), sprouted grains, nuts and seeds, miso, Umeboshi plums, and soy sauce are examples. Fermented means “pre-digested” which then become “pro-biotic”, meaning they restore floral balance. In addition to being pre-digested they support healthy digestion because they are so enzyme-rich. However, it is ruined by pasteurization and canning.
The body is an amazing machine and the role of healthy flora is no exception. There are many benefits to flora. The most important beneficial effect is that it keeps competing pathogens in check. In other words if your “good” or “friendly” bacteria are in high enough concentrations the “bad” or “pathogenic” bacteria don’t get out of control and cause disease. Flora is needed to synthesize or make vitamins such as Vitamin K, Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins, and to excrete excess vitamins. Flora is also needed to stimulate the development of certain tissues in the intestinal tract and in the lymphatic system. The immunological response is also highly dependent upon normal flora. Flora cross-reacts with certain pathogens preventing “invasion” by them, referred to as “natural antibodies”

So to address this issue of dysbiosis, we need to know how to restore the balance. First, eliminate the offenders. Then restore the missing microorganisms. This is referred to as pro-biotic therapy. The most common sources of probiotics are in pill form called lactobacillus acidophilus. There are other forms such as bifidobacterium bifidus and streptococcus faecium. Yogurt has long been known as the premier food source of probiotics, however recent research is discounting that. It appears that because of pasteurization there is minimal survival of the important microorganisms. Couple that with the sugar (which contributes to the “bad bacteria” colonizing), and the chemicals (dyes and flavorings) in yogurt, it is quickly becoming a deleterious option.

Another term coming to the limelight is “Prebiotics”. As we have come to understand flora better, we realize that as live microorganisms, they need certain foods or nutrients to survive and proliferate.Prebiotics are just that. They improve the chances of the probiotics sticking and growing.
Conditions often associated with dysbiosis include: chronic gastrointestinal inflammatory or autoimmune disorders, allergies or food intolerances, antibiotic use, “anti-ulcer” medication use, unexplained rashes, unexplained fatigue, malnutrition, neuropsychiatric symptoms, vaginal infections and others. Although there may be other underlying causes for those conditions, it is wise to rule out dysbiosis as one of them. If you feel you may have dysbiosis contact a trained physician to assist you in restoring balance. It is more complicated than just grabbing a bottle of a probiotic.

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Riverside Chiropractic – Are you nuts? Peanuts that is!

For some people peanuts can be lethal, yet for others life saving. This study joins previous research linking nuts and peanuts to lower mortality. This study is the first to investigate how nut and peanut consumption is related to specific causes of death other than cardiovascular disease. Watch this video now because the more you know the less nuts this will appear. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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